Clean 9 Cleansing Program Top Tips

When you decide to do a cleanse it is often quite a hard decision. You need to make sure that you choose the right product, then decide where to buy it from, then when it arrives you are often keen to get started before you change your mind.



But stop – wait – think a little – if you want your cleanse to be a positive and rewarding experience and not end up in disaster then you should follow these tips and preparation guidelines in order to make the most out of the experience, and to achieve the best results possible.

1. Have a clear goal as to why you want to do the cleanse.

Do you have a target weight – do you want to fit into a particular pair of jeans or want to reduce your dress or waist size? Maybe stick a picture of yourself at your ideal weight on the fridge door or somewhere you will see it regularly. Do you just want more energy? Your goal will motivate you to continue when the going gets tough. Share your goal with others, as saying it out loud will make it more real.

2. If you’re doing Clean 9, start taking the Aloe Gel 1 weeks in advance of your planned cleanse if you have never tried the Gel before.

A normal recommended daily dose of Aloe Gel is 60mls – you can start with 15mls for two days, then 30mls – then build up to 60mls on Day 5. Aloe is a natural cleanser and improves your absorption of nutrients, but you drink the Gel in large quantities on the first 2 days of the Clean 9 cleanse, and some people’s digestive systems need to get accustomed to the Gel first. Some people who rush into the cleanse feel sick if they have not allowed their body to get used to the Gel first.

3. Start to reduce your caffeine and sugar intake gradually in the week before you start.

Doing the Cleans 9 cleanse is the start of a new healthier you. This means changes which you will hopefully be able to continue after you have finished the cleanse. Taking gradual steps to improve your diet is much easier than a sudden cease of all caffeine and sugar all on one day – those who suddenly reduce intake often have headaches and feel sick as a result, but gradually weaning your body off these unhealthy foods will help your body cope much better. Reducing your cigarettes will also help.

4. Weigh yourself and take measurements as you start to follow these top tips.

You will often find if you follow the steps above you may well start to lose lbs or inches before you even start the cleanse. Seeing your weight or size start to decrease is an excellent motivator.

5. Make a shopping list of  600 calorie meal ideas and practise some of the meals.

Planning your meals before you start the cleanse will  mean you will be more likely to eat healthy meals and less likely to snack or grab convenience foods.  Our nutrilean website has menu ideas to get you started. I used to calorie count using an app called My Fitness Pal on my phone, so when I did the Clean 9 I was able to look through my favourite meals and see which would fit in with the 600 calorie meals.  Try not to include too much processed food and empty calories in your meals.Although the shakes you take as part of the Clean 9 provide you with all the nutrition you need, you are on the steps to a healthier lifestyle, so start as you mean to go on.

6. Don’t stop taking your normal supplements.

If you are already taking health supplements, don’t stop these when you are doing your cleanse. Also, if you are prone to getting an upset tummy or constipated when you make diet changes then we recommend you add the Forever Active Probiotic to your daily routine.  Aloe Gel is a prebiotic –  it fosters the growth of and provides the ideal environment for a probiotic to function.  If your goal for doing the Clean 9 is to have a healthier digestive system, taking the probiotic will enhance your nutrient absorption and immune system. Our Probiotic comes in a layered capsule for slow release and so does not need refrigerating.

7. Start doing 30 minutes of exercise a day.

Fitting exercise into your daily routine can become a habit, even if it is taking the stairs instead of the lift, or getting off the bus one stop earlier than usual.  It doesn’t need to be going to the gym – a brisk walk can also be good exercise.

8. Increase your water intake.

Many people who do the cleanse do not drink enough water, which can cause headaches as the body gets dehydrated. I know drinking 2 litres of water per day can be difficult, so this is another habit you need to try to get into before you start. Coffee and wine do not count: in fact, you should add one extra glass of water to your daily intake for each cup of coffee or glass of wine you drink. Water also helps you to feel less hungry by filling you up.

Clean 9

Clean 9

So – now you have read the top tips – you know how to make the most out of your Clean 9.  Please contact Alison at Silicon Bullet to find out how to buy your Clean 9 Cleanse via the contact me link at the top of the page, or take a look at our new Forever F.I.T. website , you can the Clean 9 as a pack, or try the individual supplements and gels.

11 thoughts on “Clean 9 Cleansing Program Top Tips

  1. Pingback: How do you prepare for a Clean 9? | musingsofacoeliaclibrarian
  2. Pingback: New Forever Clean 9 | Silicon Bullet Forever
  3. Pingback: Clean 9 Video Diary | Silicon Bullet Forever
  4. Pingback: Preparing for the Clean 9 Cleanse | Silicon Bullet Forever
  5. If it helps, we have developed a C9 Tracker app for iPhone and iPads which guides you through the cleanse, records your measurements and before/after photos. It also gives you a list of tasks you need to complete each day so you don’t have to carry around the paper booklet anymore or worry about who might see it. Hope this is of use to you.

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